Analysis of Farmers Perception on Socio-Economic Benefits of Rabbit Production in Gokana Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria



How to Cite

Ominikari, A. G. (2023). Analysis of Farmers Perception on Socio-Economic Benefits of Rabbit Production in Gokana Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Environment and Social Sciences, 9(1), 201-213. Retrieved from


The study assessed the perception of rabbit production among rural dwellers in Gokana Local
Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 90
rabbit farmers. Data collection was through structured questionnaire and analyzed using both
descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression
analysis. Findings reveal that the mean age of the rabbit farmers was 48.2 years, 83.3% of the
entire sampled farmers were males while 16.7% were females. Majority of the rabbit farmers
(61.1%) were also married with a mean household size of 7 persons. The results also reveal that
consumption not deprived of cultural and religious bias, high efficiency in converting forage to
meat (= 3.39), short gestation period (= 3.36), high probability of replenishing invested capital
(= 3.33), low cost of production (= 3.30), high medicinal value (= 3.26) and high prolificacy (=
3.26) were the mean responses of farmers on their perception of rabbit production in the study
area. The study also revealed that lack of training opportunities (= 3.23), lack of finance (= 3.19)
and lack of manpower (= 3.16) were the major challenges that impeded the production of rabbit
by farmers in the study area. The result of the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression analysis
revealed that gender, age, marital status, level of education, farming experience and membership
of association significantly influenced rabbit production in the study area. From the findings, it
was concluded that the farmers generally had positive perception of rabbit production in the study
area. The study recommended that efforts should be directed towards making favourable
government policies that will address challenges such as lack of training opportunities, lack of
finance, lack of manpower among others which impeded rabbit production in the study area.



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