
Multidimensional poverty
Farming households
Taraba State

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Rukwe, D. T., Barau, A. D., Aboki, E., Reuben, J., & Kara, H. A. (2023). ANALYSIS OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL POVERTY AMONG RURAL FARMING HOUSEHOLDS IN TARABA STATE, NIGERIA. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Environment and Social Sciences, 9(2), 155-170. Retrieved from


Rural farming households are facing high incidence of poverty which have adversely affected their standard of living. This study analysed multidimensional poverty of rural farming households in Taraba State, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to sample 240 respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, multidimensional poverty index (MPI) and Tobit regression models. Results revealed that 70.4% of the respondents were female, 53.8% of the respondents were married and 79.6% had some level of formal education. Mean household size and mean years of experience were 12 persons and 18 years respectively. Only 26.7% and 31.7% of the respondents were members of cooperative society and had access to credit respectively. Result further shows that, 57.1% of the respondents were multidimensional poor with poverty headcount of 0.571. The intensity of multidimensional poverty was 0.682 while the MPI was 0.389. The deprivation in standard of living contributed 43.5% to the overall multidimensional poverty in the study area in the period studied. The determinants of multidimensional poverty status were; sex (0.851), education (0.011), income (-1.840), access to credit (0.252) and membership of cooperatives (-0.227). This study thus recommends that rural farming households are encouraged to form or join the existing cooperative societies to enable them reaps the economies of scale within agricultural sector while reducing resource access constraints.



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