This study examines equitability in humanitarian aid distribution in the context of the North-Eastern region of Nigeria, focusing on food security among host communities and internally displaced persons (IDPs). The North-East has been plagued by a decade-long insurgency, resulting in significant displacement of people and dependence on humanitarian assistance. While numerous aid organizations operate in the region, food insecurity and poverty persist at alarming rates, with over 71.5% of the population living below the international poverty line. Using a cross-sectional dataset from the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), this study employs ordinal probability regression and ordinary least squares regression models to analyse the impact of various factors on food security. The result reveals that a higher proportion of IDPs experience high food insecurity compared to host communities, and asset ownership significantly influences food security, with host community households possessing higher asset values. Interestingly, employed households are more likely to be food insecure, suggesting the need for labour market improvements for both groups. These findings underscore the importance of equitable aid distribution, especially in conflict-affected regions, and calls for targeted interventions to address the varying needs of host communities and IDPs. Further research and policy measures are essential to alleviate food insecurity and poverty in the North-Eastern region.
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