The study examined the poverty vulnerability of smallholder rice farming households in North
West of Nigeria. A multistage sampling technique was used to collect primary data from 331
smallholder rice farmers using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, Expected
Poverty Approach and Logistic regression Model were used to analyze the data collected for
the study. The results shows that 64.35% of smallholder rice farmers were vulnerable to future
poverty. According to the breakdown of poverty vulnerability by states, it was revealed that
poverty vulnerability was 64%, 65.97% and 62.5% in Kano, Kebbi and Jigawa States
respectively. The significant determinants of poverty vulnerability among the smallholder rice
farmers were the gender of household head, farm size, type of seeds used, access to fertilizer,
total farm income, price shocks, and natural shocks.The study concludes that poverty
vulnerability was wide spread among the smallholder rice farmers with social, economic and
natural factors as major drivers of poverty vulnerability.The study recommends prioritizing
gender mainstreaming, promoting cost-effective and sustainable access seeds and fertilizers,
commodity price management mechanism and adopting smart climate technologies to address
the underlying causes of poverty vulnerability.
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