
Activity Budget
Common Duiker
Audu Bako
Aldusar Zoological Gardens

How to Cite

Aliyu, K. M, Musa, Z., & Ogunjinmi, A. A. (2023). ACTIVITY BUDGET OF COMMON DUIKER (Sylvicapra grimmia) IN AUDU BAKO AND ALDUSAR ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Environment and Social Sciences, 9(2), 85-94. Retrieved from


This study titled Activity budget of Common Duiker in Audu Bako and Aldusar Zoological Gardens
was aimed at determining the activity budget of common duiker as well as variation in their activity
pattern in the two zoological gardens. Purposive sampling techniques was used to select the species
while focal sampling method was employed to observe them during the study. Simple descriptive
statistics was the analytical tool used to analyze the data obtained in this study. Flight was observed
to be the dominant behavior in duiker with 84.38% while drinking was the least behavior with 0.21%
in Audu Bako Zoo. In Aldusar Zoo the six-year-old male duiker was observed to spend 50% of its time
resting and regurgitating while 50% of the rest of the time was flight. This study recommended that a
wide enclosure with enough concealment opportunity as well as dense vegetation should be provide
to ensure a sound welfare condition to the animals in the two zoological gardens



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