
Dry season,
Technical efficiency,

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Joseph, M., Hamidu, K., & Tidy, A. S. (2024). SOCIO-ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS OF TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY AMONG DRY SEASON CROP FARMERS IN GOMBE STATE, NIGERIA. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Environment and Social Sciences, 10(1), 30-38. Retrieved from


This study examined determinants of technical efficiency among dry season crop farmers in
Gombe State, Nigeria. Data were collected using structured questionnaires complemented with
interview administered on 337 purposively and randomly selected farmers. The data collected
were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed male dominated
and literate population having large household of 11-15 persons. In addition, 94.07% of the
farmers in the study area are married, cultivating an average farm size of 2.54. The mean
efficiency obtained was 78 percent indicating that there was a 22 percent allowance for
improving efficiency. The result also shows that farmers’ educational level and farming
experience positively and significantly influence farmers’ efficiency at 1% level. The study
recommended farmers enrolment in adult education to acquire basic skills for proper planning
and management of farm business activities.



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