This study analyses Technological Capabilities of Extension Agents in the Maize Innovation
System in Adamawa and Taraba States, Nigeria. was carried out to examine the technological
capabilities investment of extension agents in maize innovation system and human resources,
identify the sources of information among the extension agents, identify the types of linkages,
and linkage mechanism existing among extension agents and farmers; determine constraints
in acquiring technological capabilities of the extension agents and identify strategies for
improving technological capabilities among extension agents. Respondents were sample
through Multistage sampling procedure. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and
varimax rotated factor analysis. The result showed that 90.0% of extension agents indicated
that their agencies made investments in various maize innovation system and 95.0% attested
that their agencies invested in human resources with regard to maize innovation. Also, majority
(98.1%) of the extension agents have built-in-mechanism for acquiring new information from
other actors. 90.3% of the extension agents in the technology transfer sub-system obtain
technical information from other extension agents. The results showed that the major type of
linkage between extension agents and other actors is formal except for educators which are
poor. Constraints perceived by extension agents in the maize innovation system were insecurity
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