Assessment of the Effectiveness of Utilization of Electronic Media Among Fish Farmers in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria


Electronic media
Fish farmers

How to Cite

Burabe, B. I., Thliza, M.G., Owolabi, J.O., & Saleh, R. A. (2021). Assessment of the Effectiveness of Utilization of Electronic Media Among Fish Farmers in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Environment and Social Sciences, 6(2), 7-15. Retrieved from


The study assessed the effectiveness of electronic media among fish farmers in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria. Two-stage sampling procedure was used in drawing the sample for this study. The first stage involved random selection of four (4) associations of fish farmers out of the seven (7) existing ones in the study area 120 respondents were selected on proportionate to membership of each association selected. Data were collected through interview schedules and structured questionnaire which were administered to respondents by trained enumerators. Secondary information was obtained and used for study. The result this study revealed that fish farming was dominated by male (76.7%). It also revealed that 5.8% of the respondents fall within the age of 20 years and below, 29.2% of the respondents were within the age of 21-30 years, 40.0% fall within the age bracket of 31-40 years, 22.5% were within the age of 41-50 years while only 2.5% fall within the age of 50 years and above. It also pointed that information on effectiveness of electronic media indicated that most of the respondents (61%) regarded radio as the most effective type of electronic media for dissemination of agricultural information ranked 1st . This is followed by television ranked 2nd while mobile phone ranked 3rd and internet was considered the less effective ranked 4th in the effectiveness. The study also showed that inadequate power supply was the major constraint to the utilization of electronic media. Based on the findings, the study recommended that general improvement in rural infrastructure particularly electricity supply should be made stable among others in the study area.



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