Dietary Diversity Score and its Determinants among Rural Households in Panshekara, Kano State, Nigeria


Food security

How to Cite

Magaji, B. D., Oladimeji, Y. U., Sunday, H., & Abdulkarim A. G. (2021). Dietary Diversity Score and its Determinants among Rural Households in Panshekara, Kano State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Environment and Social Sciences, 6(2), 44-54. Retrieved from


This study examines dietary diversity score and estimates its determinants among rural households in Panshekara, Kumbotso Local Government Area, Kano State, Nigeria. A sample of 120 households were randomly selected and interviewed to identify the variety of foods consumed, their expenditure pattern and factors affecting their dietary diversity score. Data were collected in 2019 using a structured questionnaire. Both descriptive statistics and Tobit regression model were explored to identify food patterns and estimate factors associated with household dietary diversity. The results revealed that the expenditure on food component account for 83.4% of total expenditure which comprises of food and non-food items. However, cereals, root and tuber groups were the major food items (55.2%) consumed by the households which also account for 46.1% of total household expenditure. The results presented showed that majority of the respondents in food groups such as meat (90%), fish (96.7%), eggs (94.2%), and milk (96.7%) agree that they seldom consume these food groups while condiments, cereals, legumes, fat and oil, vegetables and sugar were the commonly consumed food groups. The results also demonstrated that the bulk of sampled respondents (64.2%) had HDDS index of 0.0 - 3.0 which implies that the respondents were under low dietary diversity level with the mean index of 1.7. The study established that HDDS is low among the respondents with the majority relying on the food crop groups. It can be concluded that socio-economic characteristic of households are determinants of dietary diversity score. It is therefore recommended that rural education and home economics training programmes specifically targeted for women to broaden their understanding of the nutritional health benefits of a diverse diet.



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