Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Livelihoods in Northern Nigeria: A Review


Northern Nigeria

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Mohammed, D., Mudi, Y.A., Tijjani, H., & Timothy, E. (2021). Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Livelihoods in Northern Nigeria: A Review. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Environment and Social Sciences, 6(2), 97-111. Retrieved from https://jaeess.com.ng/index.php/jaeess/article/view/70


Environmental degradation refers to the process or a situation of depreciation in quantity and/or quality of the resources of the environment such as air, water, minerals, land, flora and fauna. There are many causes of environmental degradation. Chief among them are: socio-economic; technological and institutional factors. This review concentrated on land degradation, water resources degradation and loss of biodiversity. It was observed that unsustainable livelihood activities such as overgrazing, intensification of agriculture and deforestation deplete the environmental resources. Based on the Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF), for livelihood to be sustainable, it should be in harmony with the environmental resources. The review therefore, recommended among others that diversification of the rural economy should move away from the use of natural resource base; alternative sources of domestic energy such as cooking gas, kerosene, and economic stoves should be provided to rural dwellers. This will reduce the reliance of households on firewood for domestic energy; measures such as regulations, taxes, property rights, merger, social conventions, should be taken to address the issue of externality in the use of environmental resources.



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